Monday, June 11, 2012

adb shell simulate touch screen click

Start button:
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0035 00000101
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0036 000000bc
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0030 00000028
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0032 00000006
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0039 00000000
/dev/input/event8: 0000 0002 00000000
/dev/input/event8: 0000 0000 00000000
Stop button:
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0035 00000104
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0036 000002af
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0030 00000028
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0032 00000006
/dev/input/event8: 0003 0039 00000000
/dev/input/event8: 0000 0002 00000000
/dev/input/event8: 0000 0000 00000000

click start button
./adb shell "sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 53 257;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 54 188;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 48 40;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 50 6;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 57 0;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 0 2 0;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 0 0 0;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 1 330 1
   sendevent /dev/input/event8 0 0 0;
   sendevent /dev/input/event8 1 330 0;
   sendevent /dev/input/event8 0 0 0"
click stopbutton

./adb shell "sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 53 260;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 54 687;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 48 40;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 50 6;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 3 57 0;
           sendevent /dev/input/event8 0 2 0;
   sendevent /dev/input/event8 0 0 0;
   sendevent /dev/input/event8 1 330 1
   sendevent /dev/input/event8 0 0 0;
   sendevent /dev/input/event8 1 330 0;
   sendevent /dev/input/event8 0 0 0"

adb shell input keyevent

After entering adb shell environment, you can use "input keyevent" to simulate button clicks.

7 -->  "KEYCODE_0"
8 -->  "KEYCODE_1"
9 -->  "KEYCODE_2"
10 -->  "KEYCODE_3"
11 -->  "KEYCODE_4"
12 -->  "KEYCODE_5"
13 -->  "KEYCODE_6"
14 -->  "KEYCODE_7"
15 -->  "KEYCODE_8"
16 -->  "KEYCODE_9"
17 -->  "KEYCODE_STAR"
29 -->  "KEYCODE_A"
30 -->  "KEYCODE_B"
31 -->  "KEYCODE_C"
32 -->  "KEYCODE_D"
33 -->  "KEYCODE_E"
34 -->  "KEYCODE_F"
35 -->  "KEYCODE_G"
36 -->  "KEYCODE_H"
37 -->  "KEYCODE_I"
38 -->  "KEYCODE_J"
39 -->  "KEYCODE_K"
40 -->  "KEYCODE_L"
41 -->  "KEYCODE_M"
42 -->  "KEYCODE_N"
43 -->  "KEYCODE_O"
44 -->  "KEYCODE_P"
45 -->  "KEYCODE_Q"
46 -->  "KEYCODE_R"
47 -->  "KEYCODE_S"
48 -->  "KEYCODE_T"
49 -->  "KEYCODE_U"
50 -->  "KEYCODE_V"
51 -->  "KEYCODE_W"
52 -->  "KEYCODE_X"
53 -->  "KEYCODE_Y"
54 -->  "KEYCODE_Z"
61 -->  "KEYCODE_TAB"
63 -->  "KEYCODE_SYM"
67 -->  "KEYCODE_DEL"
77 -->  "KEYCODE_AT"
78 -->  "KEYCODE_NUM"
81 -->  "KEYCODE_PLUS"
82 -->  "KEYCODE_MENU"

Friday, June 8, 2012

adb shell quit app

You can use adb shell kill to kill the process, but first you need to find the process id. To do this you can use adb shell ps and parse the output. Here is a sample (assuming your development PC is Unix):
adb shell kill $(adb shell ps | grep YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME | awk '{ print $2 }')

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Convert bytes array to string

String str = new String(byte[] byteArray);

Full explanation to build apk and install it on android device using command line

1. make sure JDK is installed instead of JRE, and JAVA_HOME variable is pointing to JDK installation path

2. make sure you have ant and android sdks installed, and there is android.bat inside android sdks

3. go to the android project directory

4. under this directory, use command: /path/to/android.bat/android.bat update project -p /path/to/project folder/       =======> this will create build.xml for building apk file

5. use this command: /path/to/ant directory/bin/ant debug      ========> this will generate debug version apk

6. now you have an apk file ready for installation, use this command first: adb devices to test if a device is connected

7. after making sure you have a valid device connected, use this command: adb -d install path/to/your/app.apk     ========> this will install the apk to your android device

8. after installing the app, we want to open the app, use this command: adb shell am start -n com.zhoubo/.AppName  note: com.zhoubo represents the app source   ==========> this will open the app named AppName from source com.zhoubo

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How Java Uses Threads

Java applications and applets are naturally threaded. The runtime environment starts execution of the program with the main() method in one thread. Garbage collection takes place in another thread. Screen updating occurs in a third thread. There may be other threads running as well, mostly related to the behavior of the virtual machine. All of this happens invisibly to the programmer. Some of the time you're only concerned with what happens in the primary thread which includes the main() method of a program. If this is the case you may not need to worry about threading at all.

Sometimes, however, you need to add your own threads to an applet or application. The simplest reason for adding a separate thread is to perform a long calculation. For instance if you're trying to find the ten millionth prime number, you probably don't want to make users twiddle their thumbs while you search. Or you may be waiting for a resource that isn't available yet, a large graphic to download from the Internet, for example. Once again you shouldn't make the user wait while your program waits. Any operation that is going to take a noticeable period of time should be placed in its own thread.

The other reason to use threading is to more evenly divide the computer's power among different tasks. If you want to draw random rectangles on the display, you would still like the applet to respond to user input. If all the CPU time is spent drawing rectangles, there's nothing left over for the user. On a preemptively multitasking operating system like Solaris or Windows NT, the user may at least be able to kill the application. On a cooperatively multitasking operating system like MacOS 9 or Windows 9x, the user may have to reboot their machine. This is a bad thing. With threads you can set the priority of different processes, so that user input receives a high priority and drawing pretty pictures receives a low priority. Then the user can stop the applet without flipping the power switch on their machine.


Friday, May 25, 2012

Use ant to build android project

if the directory is different from where ant is in, use ./path to ant/ant [debug]

$ cd android-project-directory
$ android update project --path  This creates build.xml,, and for your project
Then, follow this link to use ant command to generate apk file

./android.bat update project -p SpeechRecV6/
/cygdrive/d/Android/apache-ant-1.8.4/bin/ant debug

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Use command line to install apk

adb -d install path/to/your/app.apk
in my case, I copied the apk file to the same folder as adb exists, and use: ./adb -d install -r SpeechRecV4.apk

tomorrow I will try to use command line to do the build and compile work

After entering: ./adb shell ==============> I entered shell environment, and I tested am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n  and this worked and opened the setting page
Then I tried to open my own SpeechRecV4 app using am start -n com.zhoubo/.SpeechRecV4Activity this also worked

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Java network byte order issue

Java uses a DataOutputStream which has a method writeShort() (and writeIntwriteLong, etc.) which automatically write in network byte order ( the high-order byte first, followed by the next highest-order byte and so on, with the low order byte sent last).

// Input and output streams for TCP socket
protected DataInputStream in;protected DataOutputStream out;

protected Socket connect (int port) throws IOException
// Connect method
output.appendText ("\nConnecting to " + server + " Port " + port + "\n");
Socket socket = 
new Socket (server, port);
OutputStream rawOut = socket.getOutputStream ();
InputStream rawIn = socket.getInputStream ();
BufferedOutputStream buffOut = new BufferedOutputStream (rawOut);
out = 
new DataOutputStream (buffOut);
in = 
new DataInputStream (rawIn);return socket;
// END connect

Sunday, May 20, 2012




Saturday, March 31, 2012



先说说Lou这个人。前一次的演讲,他没有做任何准备,演讲前用了大概五分钟构思+在网上搜了一下数据,演讲时沉稳淡定,气度不凡,吐字清晰,声音有磁性,内容精彩感染了大多数人。后来我在LinkedIn看他的主页,发现他的经历远比我以为的丰富得多。他现在算是大四上,还有一个学期毕业。在大学期间,他在三个hedge fund有过三次实习经历,在三个投行有过三次实习经历,六次实习经历短则一个月,长则达一年。我看到这些的一刹那觉着我的生活和他相比简直就是幼稚园和博士后站的差距。
在那之后我与他有过一次几分钟的聊天,聊了聊美国和新加坡的生活,聊了聊以后的发展。令我惊讶的是他在新加坡也待过一段时间,因为当时他的女朋友的父亲是新加坡一家hedge fund的founder。我不知道是他因为这个背景才选择了这个女朋友还是碰巧是这样,不过我相信Lou这样有规划和雄心壮志的人应该是前者。



然后他讲了networking具体的实施。Initial contact应该用邮件,发邮件的目的是去set up一个informational interview,寻求advice而不是一个job。确保这封邮件concise,甚至在一个黑莓的屏幕上也能读完。讲出你是谁,为什么发这封邮件,简单说一下你的背景,并且提前感谢。这封邮件从头到脚都应该保持formal并且谦逊。如果一个星期都还没回邮件,就打电话。电话是问他们是否收到你的邮件,然后电话内容和那封邮件的内容保持一致。
在成功set up informational interview以后,把它当做正式的Interview来对待。
先写下你希望谈到的topic,把问题变得更像聊天,好好研究一下公司的背景,谈话对象的背景,还有整个行业的大概情况。最好也要知道这个行业最近发生的大事。把所有问题都准备好以后,确保这些问题是open-ended,so that谈话对象可以谈谈自身的情况和achievements。比如以下的问题:
Did you do an internship before you held this job full time? Did it help prepare you?
Why did you choose this firm over any other firm?
What kind of changes are going on in X industry right now that my impact jobs in this field?
What advice would you give someone in my position?
Don't ask for a job interview - ask for advice!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

发一篇旧文,是去年读《乌合之众》时做的摘抄。 这本书的伟大之处就在于从各个方面分析了人在群体中的表现为何和单独时的表现差异是如此巨大。
1. 只有环境的单一性,才能造成明显的性格单一性。一切精神结构都包含着各种性格的可能性,环境的突变就会使这种可能性变现出来。
2. 在集体心理中,个人的才智被削弱了,从而他们的个性也被削弱了。异质性被同质性所吞没,无意识的品质占了上风。


Tuesday, March 27, 2012



How to ask for a reference letter (by Great on the Job)

希望在离开vanderbilt之前能够收获一两封reference letter.

In the 2009 film “Up in the Air,” Natalie Keener decides she can no longer stomach being part of a corporate firing squad and quits her firm. Her mentor, played by George Clooney, behaves as the magnanimous gent we all know him to be: he writes a glowing reference letter on her behalf, addressed simply “to whom it may concern.”
In the real world, getting a reference letter is far more difficult and often a source of much anxiety. Whom to ask, how to ask, what to say?
But getting an outstanding reference letter is entirely within your control and easier than you think, even if you don’t have a benevolent benefactor at your back…
Here are three tips to ensure your mentor, former boss, or academic counselor writes you a rave review:
1.Highlight their qualifications
2.Provide a template
3.Offer a “no questions asked” policy
Let’s look at each of these individually:
Highlight their Qualifications
When reaching out to ask for a letter of reference, explain up front and center why it is that you value that person’s opinion and respect their professional expertise enough so that you chose them (of all people) to vouch for you in your next professional endeavor.
Beyond mere flattery, show why you think that person is uniquely qualified to accurately assess and communicate your personal contribution to your future organization. Why did you enjoy working for them, and why do you value their opinion? Why do you look up to them? How do the qualities match your own, or speak to the authority you want your recommendation to convey?
Provide a Template
It’s almost impossible to get a good reference letter from someone if you don’t provide the tools necessary for them to actually write a good letter. It’s also terribly inconsiderate not to give ample guidance. The last thing anyone wants to do is spend hours or days thinking about and drafting a letter which you yourself could have composed far better and more readily in about half the time.
Providing a template, therefore — an outline, bullet points, or even a fully-baked draft — of what you’d like the reference letter to say is the most effective (not to mention generous and thoughtful) approach to asking for a letter of reference. The goal isn’t to put words into your former colleague’s mouth or to co-opt her into vouching for you in an untrue or disingenuous manner; it’s simply to do some of the work for her and provide all of the pertinent data points that you’d like included in the letter. Moreover, as boastful, bragging or full of yourself you may feel writing your own referral, often people will be even more generous than you will when talking about your skills and contribution to an organization. So go ahead and toot your own horn.
“No Questions Asked”
Finally, once you provide your reviewer with a useful template and make it clear that your intention is to make this process as painless as possible for her, then it’s time to hand over the reins and offer a “no questions asked” policy. First, give your colleague an easy “out” to decline your request for any or no reason. Then, assuming she agrees, give her ample leeway to change, modify or edit your letter as she sees fit. You want to convey a sense of trust in her and give her an opportunity to write a letter she is entirely comfortable with.
Let’s take a look at what this request might actually look like:
Highlight their Qualifications
Dear John,
Hello, I hope you are well. I am writing to ask a huge favor — I’m applying for a senior marketing position with Merck and I was hoping you’d consider writing a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I always appreciated your perspective and judgment while working together. You have so much credibility within the product development space that I thought you’d be a perfect person to act as a reference.
Provide a Template
I have included a list of bullet points along with a draft letter you might consider using as a template. I’d like to make the process as easy as possible on you and I know it’s hard to recall details about the many different projects we worked on together in 2007 and 2008.
“No Questions Asked”
If for any reason you don’t feel comfortable writing a letter on my behalf, I completely understand. If you are willing to do so, however, please feel free to take the attached sample letter and use it as a template however you see fit. I have tried to address my core strengths as a strategic thinker and team player and I have highlighted several marketing campaigns I’m particularly proud of. To the extent that you’d like to make any changes or modifications to the letter, please go ahead and do so. I trust that you’ll include only those topics you feel comfortable commenting upon.
Further, I would welcome the opportunity to see a copy of the letter, but I of course understand your position if you’d like to keep it confidential.
Finally, finish your request with all the grace and charm you can muster — thank the other person profusely for their time and help and offer to make yourself available for any further questions he may have.
Stay tuned for next week’s post on how to write that template and make your reference letter stand out from the pack.

Last week, I wrote a post on How to Ask for a Reference Letter which gave three steps for asking for (and getting!) a great letter of recommendation.   The second, and arguably most important step, is to provide a template for your reviewer of what you’d like included in the letter.

Recently, an elementary school teacher told me that her former principal had failed to respond to her request for a letter of recommendation.  I asked if she had included a template for her principal of what to say, to which she replied no, and then admitted sheepishly, “Honestly, I wouldn’t have any idea how to write the letter myself.”  At the risk of stating the obvious, if you can’t imagine writing the letter yourself, how do you think someone else is going to write it for you? 

When you are asking for a recommendation, take the time to create a template for the person writing the recommendation. This can be a draft of the letter itself or a simply a roadmap—a set of points that provides them with an outline, the context and content for their note.
A strong ready-made template hits upon three key points: your motive, your credentials and the impact you expect to have on your new organization. To be most effective, you need to answer three key questions:
  1. Why are you applying for the position or academic program? (Motive)
  2. How or why are you uniquely qualified for the position? (Credentials)
  3. What will you contribute to your new organization or program? (Impact)
Let’s see what this might look like in a particular case:
Alex Wallace was a human resources professional who worked in financial services for ten years.  Alex earned her MBA from a top tier school and most recently covered the multimedia team at Reuters.  After two years at Reuters, Alex decided to make a major career shift and jump from human resources to broadcast journalism.  Alex reached out to the head of HR at her former employer to ask for a letter of reference for her application to Columbia’s Graduate School of Broadcast Journalism. She included the following bullet points in her template to assist her former boss in writing in the letter:
Motive: Why Are You Applying?
  • Throughout my career, I’ve lived and worked abroad have always had a strong interest in business journalism and international affairs.   
  • My work at Reuters has inspired me to make a leap I’ve considered for a long time and which I believe will tie together many diverse aspects of my career.
Alex gave both a personal reason and a professional motive—her work in HR in the news industry ultimately inspired her to make a change.   Why are you applying for a new job or program? Are you hoping to learn a new skill, make an industry, firm or career switch, or are you, like Alex, following a life-long dream of doing something you’ve always wanted to do but were never sure how to?
Credentials: How Are You Uniquely Qualified?
  • I have a strong background in both finance and business issues, having spent ten years on Wall Street supporting finance professionals and two years at Reuters learning about the news industry
  • In my current role,  I am responsible for managing employee issues related to ethical standards of stories, quality of writing and knowledge of key figures and trends in the news industry
  • I am strong writer, a skilled presenter and a quick learner—I am able to discern the important and relevant pieces of information from large amounts of data and make decisions quickly and effectively
Alex highlighted both her relevant experience and her inherent skill-set.  Together, these combine to make her an excellent candidate for the program.   As you think about your own qualifications, consider coursework and academic programs, relevant work experience, extra-curricular or volunteer activities, or even your own natural talents or strengths that will be better utilized in your new endeavor.
Impact: What Will You Contribute?
  • I believe that the reporting and writing classes will give me the tools I need to become an outstanding broadcast journalist
  • With my quick grasp of the issues and my in-depth understanding of finance and news organizations,  I hope to bring a unique perspective to the program
Alex’s impact—her unique perspective—could even be more compelling if she talked about how her news coverage would be different or unique from what exists today.  Regarding your own contribution, what is your vision of how you will impact your new organization—do you have new ideas, better ideas, a different way of thinking about things or a richness of experience that will impact your new environment?
At the end of the day, your goal is to give your former boss or colleague a clear-cut outline of what to include in your reference letter.  By providing a thoughtful and well scripted template, you’ll greatly increase the chances of getting your reviewer to agree to write the letter of reference and make that letter of reference communicate and convey exactly what you want.